Rocking Ginger Drinks

Reveiw 1[Recipe 1]

Review 1


he fizz content was good because there was a lot of sugar and yeast which formed a lot of bubbling bubbles. The colour of the ginger beer was brownish, yellow because the yeast and the ginger was chilling on the bottom of the bottle and because there was no hot water with the yeast.  That’s why it was so brown but the top was a nice yellow colour. Next time I'll put in chilli to see if the ginger beer come out of the bottle HOT! 

Reveiw 2[Recipe 2]

 Review 2

ur dingerbeer didn't fizz because we put in to much sugar and not much yeast
and also we had alot of ginger which gave it a kick in the back of the throat. The colour of our Gingerbeer was quite yellow because of all the lemons we put in and the sugar made it clear.Next time we’ll put in less sweetener so it will fizz.

Reveiw 3[Recipe 3]

Review 3

ur drink was super fizzy because there was a lot of yeast and sugar which made carbon- dioxide.Our Ginger beer wasn't really ginger beer Because it had lime jelly crystals which gave it a lime colouring.Next time I’ll put in less ginger if we used raro or some other sweetener apart from sugar so you can taste the favoring and I'll also add lemon.

Review 4[Recipe 6] (We'll write.)

Review 5[Recipe 7]

Our dink was fizzy but taste bitter because we think we use too much lemon juice and we don't use sugar next time we add a 1cup of sugar. This time we
use quarter cup of raro.